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Tag: lean muscle


How to Gain Muscles Losing Fat at the Same Time?

If you are dedicated enough to follow the plan then you will be able to build muscle and lose fat at the same time. As difficult as it may look, it’s the ultimate solution


What to Eat to Grow?

We all know that to build nice looking physique or just muscle mass exercises are required. And the more you train, especially with weights, the nicer or bigger you can get. This is only true when


5 Getting Ripped Body Mistakes You Make

So like almost everyone now you would like to have toned body with beautifully defined muscles covered only by the lowest possible amount of fat. Look around and you will see actors and model


6 Painful Reasons Why You Fail with Your Diet So Badly

So, you are on diet for a while now and saying the truth your results are far from expected? You see all these guys who transform their bodies in 2-3 months but you’ve spent